Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Repaint Wrought Iron

Wrought iron gate

Wrought iron has been in use since the middle ages and was used for weapons and building, such as bridge supports and framing. Wrought iron replaced the use of bronze for these uses. Today, the term is generally used to describe the intricate ironwork on furniture, railings, gates and wine racks. Wrought iron is prone to rust, but by using the proper products, preparation and painting methods you can preserve wrought iron to prolong its lifespan and beauty for many years.


1. Wire brush the surfaces of wrought iron, either with a hand-held brush or a wire brush attachment for a drill. Remove all loose and flaking paint in the crevices and carvings using a scraper and/or small wire brushes.

2. Use sandpaper to smooth rough edges and clean rust where the paint has already flaked off. It is not necessary to remove all the paint if it is still adhered securely.

3. Clean all surfaces with rags and paint thinner, changing to clean rags often. Remove all dust and dirt. Allow to dry. Wipe all surfaces with a tack rag.

4. Apply a rust inhibitor to all surfaces, being sure to get it into all the crevices and carvings. Rust inhibitor bonds with the surface and prevents any rust from reappearing.

5. Apply metal primer either by spraying or brushing on. Allow to dry the amount of time suggested by the manufacturer on the product packaging.

6. Spray or brush on one to three coats of the finish paint, allowing to dry between coats.

Tags: Wrought iron, crevices carvings, surfaces with, wrought iron