Sunday, January 29, 2012

Do It Yourself Wrought Iron Fences

Wrought iron fences can be installed around gardens.

Wrought iron fences can be installed around your front yard, a garden or around your swimming pool to keep a sense of privacy about your property. These fences are not difficult to install and can be done on your own with the help of an assistant to lift the heavy panels. Before beginning such a project, check with your building codes office to ensure there are no restrictions against building wrought iron fences in your area. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Mark the end and corner points of the fence with stakes, ensuring that you extended 3 feet beyond each end and attach string high enough on the stakes so that the string does not touch the ground. The strings should make a 90-degree angle at each corner due to the extra 3 feet extension.

2. Dig holes for the posts 2 feet deep and 6 inches in diameter and set the posts in the holes to measure the appropriate depth.

3. Mix concrete according to the package instructions and shovel it into each hole around the post, ensuring the post is perpendicular to the ground and against the string line. Shovel in enough concrete so it reaches 4 inches below ground level.

4. Fill in the holes with the dirt you dug from the ground and pack tightly around the posts. Wait a few days for the concrete to set before moving on to the next step. This is important because the weight of the fence can cause the posts to lean over if the concrete has not set enough.

5. Hold the first fence panel between the posts and trim it down with a hacksaw if needed for the panel to fit between posts.

6. Slide the brackets over the ends of the fence panel's horizontal rails and attach them with a power drill, beginning with the top brackets and finishing with the bottom brackets. Repeat until each panel is attached to the posts.

7. Finish the wrought iron fence installation by installing the gate. Wait seven days before installing the gate; if this is not possible, wait seven days before using the gate. To install the gate, bolt the latches onto the adjacent post to match the height of the latch on the gate.

Tags: around your, between posts, days before, fence panel, fences installed, fences installed around