Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Plant A Tree With A Pvc Watering Tube

Plant a Tree With a PVC Watering Tube

The location where a tree is planted determines the temperature and moisture conditions it is exposed to. Unprotected trees in windy areas are prone to drying out. Trees planted against south-facing walls have much drier and warmer conditions than exposed trees. Check your property's microclimates and your tree's cultural requirements to select the appropriate planting spot. Trees absorb most of their moisture through fine roots in the top 18 inches of soil. Help trees become established after planting by installing supplemental PVC watering tubes. Does this Spark an idea?


Make Tubes and Prepare the Site

1. Cut four 18-inch sections from the 10-foot, perforated PVC pipe. Discard the belled end. File or otherwise smooth the edges of the ends.

2. Glue caps on one end of each section. Wrap the sections with screening to keep gravel and dirt from entering the holes. Overlap the wrap by 3 inches and secure with zip ties.

3. Test your tree site soil for drainage, as good drainage is essential for new trees. Water your chosen spot well the day before planting.

4. Dig a hole twice as deep as your root ball and three times as wide. Mix 1 part compost to 1 part dug soil. Fill the bottom half of the hole with soil mix and firm it in.

Plant Your Tree and Install Tubes

5. Remove your tree from its nursery container by cutting away the container. For ball-and-burlap plants remove the burlap wrapping. Bare root trees will not have coverings. Prune off broken roots, but do not prune back top growth.

6. Place your tree in the hole, making sure the top of the root ball is just above ground level. Spread matted or circling roots. Install the PVC tubes at four equally-spaced points around the hole against the edges. Make sure the top 4 inches of the tubes are above ground level.

7. Add soil backfill halfway up the hole, firm it in and water to remove air pockets.

8. Build a 4-inch high berm (soil wall) around the filled hole with compost, and a 2 inch high inner berm 2 inches out from the tree trunk. Add a 2-inch layer of mulch between the berms.

9. Water your tree immediately by slowly filling the berm and tubes. Use the remaining four caps to cover the tubes when filled.

10. Fill the berm twice to make sure the ground has absorbed enough water. Surface watering is necessary to promote active root growth. Continue regular watering once a week throughout the growing season.

Tags: your tree, above ground, above ground level, ground level, hole with, Plant Tree, Plant Tree With