Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Choose Best Brick Fence Designs

Choose a color of brick that complements your home.

Homeowners build fences for protection, privacy and aesthetic reasons. A brick fence can provide all of this, but choose a design carefully because they are costly to build. Take a good look at your house -- and your budget -- before you decide what kind of fence to build. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Determine your reasons for a fence. If privacy is your main concern, choose a a tall, solid brick design. Pet owners who want to corral a small dog may build a shorter, solid wall.

2. Match the brick fence design with the look of your house. Choose fence posts, arches, colors and accents that mimic or complement your house style.

Fences and walls made of stone, brick and stucco enhance English Tudor and Craftsman houses.

3. Allow your front lawn and house design to show through. Choose a brick fence with empty spaces that frames the beauty within instead of covering it up.

4. Combine other materials with the brick for aesthetic appeal. Construct brick posts with steel, aluminum or wrought iron fencing between the posts. This design that allows you to see into your property, while providing security.

5. Choose a color that complements your home. Bricks come in shades of red, white, gray, brown and orange. Select grainier bricks that have multiple colors within or bricks that have a smoother look. Use a combination of colors for a customized design.

Tags: brick fence, your house, bricks that, bricks that have, Choose color