Friday, July 1, 2011

Make A Bamboo Trellis

Make a Bamboo Trellis

If you grow beans, peas, tomatoes, or any type of vining plant, you need to provide a support structure so that your plants don't lie on the ground. Here is the easiest-ever trellis, made from bamboo poles and wire. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Buy three bamboo poles, all the same length, from the nursery or garden center. They should be at least 6 feet long and 1/2 inch in diameter.

2. Pull a length of paddle wire from its spool (don't cut the wire off yet). Wrap the wire tightly around the one of the poles, about three to four inches down from one end of the pole.

3. Lay the second pole next to the wired pole so that they line up evenly.

4. Wrap the wire around both poles in a figure 8. Continue weaving the wire in and out of the two poles until you have at least three wraps on each pole. They should now be wired together at the top.

5. Lay the third pole next to the second and wrap the wire - again in a figure 8 - between the second and third pole. Make at least three wraps - more are better.

6. Twist the wire around the end where you started to keep the wire from unraveling.

7. Cut the wire with wire cutters or the base of your clipper blade.

8. Stand the trellis up like a tripod and spread out the legs. You now have a sturdy support for any type of vining plant.

Tags: bamboo poles, Bamboo Trellis, least three, least three wraps, Make Bamboo