Monday, July 25, 2011

Repair Wrought Iron Fencing

Keep iron surfaces painted to avoid rust.

Like any other type of fencing, wrought iron requires maintenance to preserve its structural soundness. Moisture from rain, snow and humidity will attack bare iron through chips in the paint. The moisture causes rust to form, which leads to corrosion in the metal surface. It's best to do preventive maintenance to keep the rust and corrosion at bay. You can repair minor cracks yourself, but should seek an experienced welder for major holes and other problems. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Turn a hose nozzle to the highest pressure setting. Wash all loose dirt and debris from the fence and let it dry completely.

2. Hold a steel-bristled brush firmly in one hand. Move the brush back and forth across the fence to remove large pieces of rust.

3. Change to a metal file. File the flat areas. Sand the rounded portions with coarse grit sandpaper. Wipe away all shaving particles and sanding dust with a damp rag.

4. Put on rubber gloves, protective eyewear and a mask. Spray phosphoric acid onto the wrought iron. Leave the acid on the surface overnight. The acid will convert invisible rust into a crust of iron phosphate. Brush away the iron phosphate with a steel-bristled brush.

5. Mix two-part metal patch compound according to the package instructions. You can buy patch compound at an automotive store. Choose an epoxy resin formula for best results. Pick up a small amount with a putty knife and spread it into small cracks in the iron. Smooth it out over the top of the iron to create a seamless patch. Let the compound dry completely.

6. Coat the fence with oil-based metal primer. Apply the primer with a disposable chip brush. Cover the entire fence with a light coat of the primer. Let the primer dry.

7. Paint the iron fence with oil-based metal paint. Start at the top of the fence and work downward. Apply a thin coat of paint with a good quality brush. Let the first coat dry to the touch, then apply a second coat.

Tags: fence with, patch compound, fence with oil-based, iron phosphate, oil-based metal, steel-bristled brush, with oil-based