Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Southwest House Paint Colors

Adobe is a classic building material of the Southwest.

When you think of the Southwest, the colors of desert and sunset come to mind. In some areas, blue-grey mountains and the dry greens of cacti play a part as well. The palette of the Southwest is rooted in earth colors and accents. It is so distinct that some towns, like Santa Fe, N.M., for instance, even have color restrictions for buildings in some city ordinances. Does this Spark an idea?


Colors identical or close to the color of the earthen adobe that is one of the signature building materials of the Southwest is always a fitting house color. There are many variations on this subtle, brown color that range from sand to soft pink to almost milk chocolate. Trim colors offer the chance for more striking accents like deep blue or even violet.

Warm Intense Colors

Orange, vermilion and brick are saturated colors which, when used properly, can enliven a house without straying too far from the unique feel of the Southwest. Adding a bit of brown to the mix to tone down more vibrant colors will keep the house from standing out from the landscape in the clear light of the Southwest.

Blue and Green

Turquoise, the lovely blue stone from the Southwest that adorns much of the jewelry there, is a timeless Southwest color that is a bold move for a house but a tasteful choice for doors. Sage and similar greens that lean toward the neutral colors are energetic yet restrained enough for a main color. The neutrals blend with the earthy terrain and vegetation.

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