Monday, June 24, 2013

Do It Yourself Iron Fence

Iron fences can withstand almost any weather conditions.

Iron fences are easy to maintain compared to wood fences and can add appeal to any house. An iron fence does not require any maintenance after installation, whereas wood fences need to be sealed and treated to protect them against weather. All iron fences are very strong and stable. They will blow over in the wind, and pets will not be able to scratch and chew through them or dig their way out. Installing an iron fence is not as difficult as it may seem and can be accomplished by almost any homeowner. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Measure the area of the yard to determine how many sections of fence will be needed. This will also determine how many line posts, end posts and corner posts will be used. Each fence section will be approximately 6 feet long.

2. Map out where the corners and ends are going to go and drive stakes into the ground at those locations. Run string between the stakes to mark the fence line. The string should not touch the ground. Pour Quikrete into the wheelbarrow and mix with water. For each hole, one 60-lb. bag will be needed.

3. Dig holes for the posts 6 inches in diameter and 2 inches deep. Loose gravel can be added before the Quikrete if the hole is too deep. Set the post in the hole and fill the hole with the Quikrete up to 4 inches below the ground. Fill the top with dirt until the ground is level.

4. Beginning at an end post, dig three holes in the fence line in the desired direction. These holes must be 73 inches apart for 6-foot sections of fencing. Attach the first fence section into the first end post with a self-tapping screw provided with the fence section. Place a line post in the first hole that has already been dug and pour Quikrete in like the previous step. Fill until 4 inches from the ground and cover with dirt. Continue this process around the entire perimeter, making sure to check every fifth section to see if everything is plumb and square.

5. Leave the correct opening to hang the gate. Most gates are 48 inches, so the gate posts will need to be 50 inches on center. Wait a week after the fencing is complete before hanging the gate. Attach the gate to the gate post with the hinges provided. Drill self-tapping metal screws into the hinges.

Tags: fence section, determine many, fence line, iron fence, post with, posts will