Monday, July 23, 2012

Find The Right Wine Rack For You

Wine rack shopping simplified

Now that you have bought several bottles of your favorite wine you will probably need a place to store them. This is s short guide to find a wine rack that is right for the type of storage one will need to store wine even if you are just starting out or an avid collector of wine. There are several different types of wine racks. Well-designed wine racks help keep wine still and also to keep the cork moist so the wine cork does not dry out and allow air into the bottle. Add this to my Recipe Box.


1. Begin by counting how many bottles of wine you own and that you are planning to store. It is also helpful to find out about how long it will be before they be consumed. For instance, if you have about a dozen bottles of wine ready to be drunk within two months, then all you will need is a wine rack that sits on the floor in a closet or somewhere on a north-facing wall of the house. But if you are a serious collector and want to store your wines for more than a year to up to ten years, then you will need a larger wine rack that can hold hundreds of bottles of wine. Even up to getting a cellar or a converted basement area that measures at least 3 meters square will easily hold 100 dozen bottles of wine.

2. Figuring out where you need to place the wine rack is the next step. The best place for wine storage is a cellar or cellar-like place that is cool, dim and has a stable temperature also that has little movement, slight humidity and with few to no odors. The worst place to place a wine rack is on top of the refrigerator, where the wine will be exposed to a constant vibration, changing temperatures, heat from the kitchen and constant exposure to light. In most modern homes, the cellar-like place can be a large closet, a walk-in wine pantry, space under a stairway, a specially constructed and insulated room with wine racks and a wine cellar with a cooling system or even a converted corner of the garage.

3. Deciding the right type of material for the wine rack is another important step. If you are looking for a more modern look, stainless steel for the wine rack is probably the best. If you are looking for a traditional look of wood, then you can choose from simple pine to oak, walnut, cherry, cedar or even mahogany. If you are looking for something a little different, you can have a wine rack made from wrought iron which can be molded into a variety of shapes and then coated in various colors to match your home decor.

4. Deciding the right style for you depends on how much space you have available. Anything from space for a freestanding wine rack, to wine racks that fit into the fitted cupboard, even hanging or mounted to the wall if space is limited or stackable wine racks that allow someone to increase storage space. These are all something that will depend upon the space you has available for your wine rack.

5. The stability of the wine rack is important while figuring out the best wine rack for you. The stability of the wine rack will depend upon the materials that you choose for the wine rack as well as how many bottles that you can store. The wine rack should have shelves that are at least 13.5 inches deep for storing full bottles of wine. Also if your wine rack has a manufacturer provides a warranty, keep that nearby in case something should happen to the wine rack or your wine bottles.

6. Other things to ask yourself while choosing your wine rack is to make sure that there is enough space for your current wine bottles and space for new bottles. Also to make sure there is a enough room for you to rotate them occasionally to preserve there flavor. Also if you have other bottles of wine such as Champagne or Burgundy style of bottles, you'll need space for those larger bottles.

7. The last point is what is the budget you have planned for the purchase of your wine rack. Most wine rack stores, whether online or down the road, will stock a range of wine racks to suit all budgets and tastes. Make sure to pick a wine rack that you like and that fits your needs as well as your budget.

Tags: wine rack, bottles wine, wine racks, your wine, rack that, wine rack that, your wine rack