Thursday, February 10, 2011

Fix A Rusted Metal Railing

Rust has a way of finding its way into a lot of pieces of metal, and stopping it before it gets too bad is really important if you want to keep that item in one piece. In the case of a metal railing, if the rust is allowed to grow the structural integrity of the railing will come into question, and may fail when you need it most. Fortunately, fixing it is easy and just takes a few steps. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Rub the red scuff pad over the portion of the railing affected by rust. This is going to loosen up the surface rust on the metal and prepare it for paint. If the damage isn't too bad, you can move on to Step 4.

2. Insert the wire brush into the drill and tighten the chuck.

3. Turn on the drill and run over the metal with the wire brush. This is going to remove all of the rust from the surface and prepare it for paint.

4. Wipe the area clean with the shop rag to remove any rust dust.

5. Spray the area with the spray paint. This is going to protect the railing from future rust.

Tags: This going, prepare paint, remove rust, wire brush