Thursday, February 24, 2011

Use Sage Wand

Sage can be grown in potted plants or outdoors.

Sage is an herb native to areas of the Mediterranean and Asia Minor that has long been used in religious and spiritual ceremonies and as a cure for various ailments. Sage is often sold in bundles or "wands" that are bound together by string or ribbon. You can use a sage wand in the same way you would use incense. Sage smoke may be helpful in treating respiratory ailments. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Find a fire-proof container. Make sure the container is big enough to hold the entire length of the sage wand. A thick bowl will usually work, but be careful not to pick it up while the sage is burning, as the bowl may retain heat.

2. Light the end of the sage wand with a match or lighter. You can also break off a portion of the wand and light it separately if you don't want as much smoke. Allow a small flame to develop and then blow out the fire. The sage should now be smoking.

3. Set the sage wand into the fire-proof container. Make sure doors and windows are closed, as wind can cause chunks of the sage to fly out of the bowl and pose a fire hazard.

4. Allow the sage wand to smoke until it has burned out. Pick up the wand and smudge the smoking end into the bowl if you'd like to stop the smoke before it has burned out. Do not run the sage under water.

5. Inhale the sage smoke to help treat respiratory ailments such as coughs or bronchitis.

6. Break up pieces of a dry sage wand and add them to a bath or a pot of boiling water for tea to potentially help break a fever and cleanse the body of toxins. Make sure not to drink the pieces of sage.

Tags: sage wand, Make sure, container Make, container Make sure, fire-proof container