Tuesday, March 17, 2009

About Wrought Iron Porch Posts

About Wrought Iron Porch Posts

Wrought iron porch posts used to be some of the most common features on homes across the nation. Although their popularity has diminished for some new construction, they are still out and about in older areas. Wrought iron porch posts are relatively inexpensive and offer a host of benefits unless they are left to go to pot. Then they become a miserable eyesore. Does this Spark an idea?

Time Frame

While wrought iron porch posts are less common today, they used to be all over town. Older homes, built from the 1920s through the 1970s, will often feature wrought iron porch posts. New owners don't always appreciate these posts as they become weathered, rusted and give the home a dated look.


One of the joys of wrought iron is its ability to be welded into intricate designs. While some wrought iron porch posts may consist of a single black bar, others will have some style. Posts can feature a framework of thin iron embellished with layouts such as scrolls, fleur de lis, petals and vines.


Wrought iron porch posts are usually at least 7 feet tall or more, depending on the height of the porch. Their width and configuration can vary from a single iron bar about 1 inch wide to a corner post with detailing that can measure several inches. They are also very heavy. A medium-size post can easily weigh at least 100 pounds.


Posts that have become rusted are not that difficult to refurbish. Clean the posts with warm, soapy water and a stiff sponge. Gently rub off any rust with fine-grain sandpaper. Wash again and dry with a soft rag. Once fully dry, apply a paint primer to paint sticks to the iron and follow that with a protective exterior paint that is made to protect outside items.


Adequately maintaining wrought iron porch posts is always easier than totally refurbishing those that have rusted. Maintenance consists of gently washing the posts regularly, especially after a storm or conditions that kick up a lot of debris. Make sure to thoroughly dry posts with a soft rag. Spot checking for rust and spot correcting the rust with sandpaper and a fresh coat of primer and paint will quickly quash any longer-term problems.


Since wrought iron porch posts are sturdy and relatively inexpensive, at least compared to some other options, they may be an automatic choice for someone who is refurbishing the porch. This is only fine and dandy if the homeowners association or other governing body allows it. Some places, especially historic districts, may frown upon wrought iron porch posts and forbid homeowners to use them altogether.

Tags: porch posts, iron porch posts, iron porch, wrought iron, wrought iron porch, About Wrought, About Wrought Iron