Monday, December 2, 2013

Decorate A Shelf On A Living Room Wall

Shelves can hold functional as well as decorative pieces.

Decorating a wall shelf in a living room requires only a small commitment of time and money. Therefore, take some risks and try items in different combinations to strike the perfect tone. If you find your tastes change, you can update your shelf decor with new artwork or accessories. A well-curated and arranged shelf tableau can serve as the focal point of your living room decor, sparking conversations and stories. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Make your living room shelf more prominent by adding architectural features. If your wall shelf has supports, switch them out for scrolled wrought iron to give the decor some flourish. Adhere a lightweight plaster arch to the wall over the shelf, extending to each corner.

2. Paint or finish your shelf. You can keep a wooden or stone shelf natural-looking with a layer of lightly-tinted varnish, or subtly brighten it with a coat of antique whitewash or milk paint. Keep the finish subtle because, if you go too bright, the finish can overpower the accessories you place on the shelf.

3. Display what you love. Rather than fill your wall shelf with trendy accessories that have no connection to you, begin with pieces that reflect your interests and background. Major pieces may consist of a family heirloom, a souvenir from world travels, your child's art project, a large format family photograph, a favorite painting or a collection.

4. Group accessories that share similar characteristics. A thematic display has greater dramatic impact than disparate items. Unite pieces of similar materials, colors, eras, shapes or countries of origin. You may also consider a more abstract theme that tells a story, such as objects from a recent vacation or favorite retro toys.

5. Aim for the odd. Asymmetry reigns in shelf tableaux. Arrange shelf accessories in groups of three, five or seven, rather than in pairs. Vary the heights and widths of accessories. Try placing matching objects at a diagonal as opposed to in a straight line.

Tags: wall shelf, your wall shelf, accessories that, living room, your living, your living room