Thursday, May 7, 2009

Fish With Squid As Bait In Southern Ca

Squid are productive bait in Southern California.

Southern California offers a variety of saltwater fishing opportunities. Fishing with squid is often the method of choice for anglers searching for white sea bass, halibut and yellowtail snapper, especially during the winter months and in to early summer. Casting squid in the shallows, deep water or along the kelp lines off the Southern California coast will typically yield good results for bass, halibut and snapper. Many other local varieties of fish may eagerly take the bait as well. Using a sliding egg sinker rig can allow you to fish all three areas without changing the setup on your rod.


1. Thread the fishing line through the center hole of the sliding egg sinker.

2. Tie your preferred size hook to the end of the line using a standard fishing knot. To tie the knot, wrap the end of the line around itself two to three times, thread the line through the bottom loop and pull tight. Repeat if desired for a more secure knot.

3. Hook the squid through the tail leaving the purple head region dangling. Cut squid chunks may also be utilized to conserve bait. Doubling the hook with two squid will provide the illusion of spawning and may attract more aggressive bites.

4. Cast the squid to desired location. The weight of the sinker will pull the bait down through the entire water column and will allow the naturally buoyant squid to rise off the bottom when the sinker hits maximum depth. Experiment with different size weights as needed to adjust for water currents. The squid should fall slowly to the bottom and be held in place by the weight without drifting easily.

5. Lift the rod tip periodically and allow the weight to settle back to the bottom to produce a jigging motion. This will ensure the bait remains active. Strikes may occur while the bait is rising, falling or resting. Stay alert to set the hook when a fish strikes.

Tags: Southern California, bass halibut, line through, sliding sinker, with squid